Something To Think About Dan Douglas, Director 0 WHAT IS HOSPICE? A hospice is a program The hospice has a few that provides supportive basic goals, which include care for terminally-ill patients keeping the patient at home and their families, either as long as possible; to sup- directly or on a consulting plement, not duplicate, ex- basis. Originally hospice isting services; to educate was a medieval name for a health professionals and lay way station for pilgrims and people; to help the patient travelers where they could to live as fully as possible; be replenished, refreshed, and to keep the cost of dying and cared for. Now the term down. describes an organized pro- gram of care for people go- WESTLAWN CHAPEL, ing through life's last station. The modern hospice move- ment originated in England and is growing in the U.S. An example of their human-and cost-saving effects, is the high number of patents who Headstones Available live out their last days and Funeral Planning Available die at home, instead of in a 105 S. Arizona Ave., Willcox, AZ hospital. MORTUARY & CREMATORIUM . Memorial Services Cremation or Burial Serving All Faiths Granite & Bronze (520) 384-2413