0 To Think About Dan Douglas, Director UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS Even if your affairs are abilities. quite complicated, setting Such changes can, of up a Letter of Instruction course, be combined with involves no more than a cou your other household ac- ple of evenings of concen- counting chores, especially if trated work. In it you should you keep at least part of your include all vital information Letter in the form of a ledger about your valuables, insur- or looseleaf account book ance, bank accounts, credit You will also find it useful cards, liabilities and debts, during budget and tax time. investments, funeral prefer- ences, etc. Forms to do this are available. WESTLAWN CHAPEL, This effort will be entirely MORTUARY & wasted, however, unless you keep updating the Letter at regular intervals: monthly if you shift your investments frequently; not less than twice a year to account for insurance premiums, auto- Funeral Planning Available mobile changes, and other 105 S. Arizona Ave., Willcox, AZ shifts in your assets and li CREMATORIUM . Memorial Services Cremation or Burial Serving All Faiths Granite & Bronze Headstones Available (520) 384-2413 www.westlawnchapelmortuary.com 8208